The new HiPreMa 4X Products line.
We have updated the entire HiPreMa 4 productS line. HiPreMa 4X is born!
What is more accurate than HPM 4?
It’s HPM 4X!

Due to this change in technology, the instrument’s computing speed is four times faster than the old microcontroller.
This has thus enabled us to further improve accuracy in tire pressure and temperature measurements and implement new functions across the entire instrument line.
Updates in Pressure measurement functionality
Tire pressure and temperature in motorsports are key parameters in achieving the best possible performance on the track.
It was not enough to be more accurate to the hundredth of a bar (0.01 BAR): now our reference is the microbar, 4 decimal places after the decimal point.
Even more extreme precision made possible by the computational capacity of the new electronics.

For each session saved in the memory of the instrument, in addition to Date and Time of the session, Atmospheric Air Temperature, Cold and Hot Pressures and their variation, it is possible to activate storage of the vehicle number.
This is a very useful function for tire technicians on Teams, for technicians from the various tire manufacturers who have to manage data from different cars.
The memory of the new instrument can save up to 50 full sessions-a full weekend of competition stored on your instrument.
The PRESSURE SHOT function has been optimized to automatically store hot pressures without having to press any buttons.
The main features of the HiPreMa 4X line for digital tire pressure gauge functionality are(Upgraded functionality on all instruments with pressure measurement functionality):
- Accuracy of measurement : +/- 0.0005 Bar
- Storage of 50 full sessions
- Function for storing the vehicle number for each session
- 32-bit technology with 4 times faster computing speed
New functions in Digital Chronometer Mode 4 Pilots
The only digital stopwatch on the market that allows 7 full sessions to be stored in the instrument’s memory.
The 4 Rider Digital Chronometer part has new firmware that allows for new functions implemented.
In fact, up to 7 full sessions can now be stored in the instrument, and for each session, up to 30 laps per rider and nine split times per lap. As well as, of course, the date and time of the session and air temperature.
In addition, for each session from the menu, you can recall the three best laps for each driver (in the first screen), and then you can review all the laps of the session and related split times.
Thanks to this new feature, we have in the memory of the instrument a complete day of testing.
The instrument is capable of storing 840 laps in total.
The new features in the stopwatch function (found in all instruments that have the Stopwatch mode):
- 7 Sessions storable in the instrument including Date – Time – Air Temperature for each session
- 1 Screen that quickly summarizes the 3 best laps of the session for each driver and their split times
- Recall of all laps of the session and their split times (Max. 30 laps per session)
- Capacity to store 840 Turns + 7560 Intertemps